Optimize Your Facility Management With Ease

Take the stress out of managing your facility with guides, consulting, and on-site assessments.

We help you put the ‘management’ back in Facility Management

It’s time to stop playing the role of “firefighter” in your facility and start implementing a Facility Management plan that allows your company to shine. When you started in your role as Facility Manager, you had goals and aspirations of how you could make an improvement for the business, but now it feels like all your time is spent in reactive maintenance, and the ideas you had have fallen by the wayside.

You’re tired of worrying about facility emergencies in the middle of the night. You’re tired of the Facility Department not being taken seriously by executives in the company. And you’re ready to show the positive difference Facility Management can make for the organization when it’s prioritized. 


It’s time to build a strong foundation

There’s an unlimited number of tools and apps available that promise to help you get control of your facility and team, but if you don’t start with a strong foundation, you won’t get anywhere. 

Your organization needs the solid foundation of a complete and thorough Facility Management Plan before jumping into all the new, flashy, and exciting tools in the world of facility maintenance. Otherwise, you end up spending valuable resources on tools that don’t solve the problem. For most organizations, the root problem with facility management isn’t the need for a tool to keep it organized; it’s the need for a structured plan to follow that leads to consistent, high-quality results! 

You know that you have more to offer than simply completing work orders, and you’re ready to take the next step as a Facility Manager. 

Foundational Facility Management Consulting meets you where you are in your career as a Facility Manager, whether you’re new to the role, new to an organization, or ready to level up the current work you’re doing. You have to put in the work, but Foundational Facility Management has a focused plan to lead you to success. 

Our Services

Foundational Facility Management Consulting meets you where you are in your facility management journey. Whether you need help creating your own facility maintenance plan, you need a little one-on-one support, or you need us to complete an assessment for your organization, we have the option to meet your needs.

Facility Management Templates

Facility Management Documents

We offer a comprehensive set of management documents and templates you can customize for the needs of your organization and facility.

Our bundles are designed to take you from start to finish in each key area of facility management and maintenance. You can choose a single document to help fill a gap or select the complete package to walk through creating a Facility Management Plan from start to finish.

Start building your facility management foundation today!

Facility Management Consulting

Our Facility Management Consulting is a helpful option if you’re feeling stuck in your role as a Facility Manager or you’re a small business owner or operations director needing to wear the hat of a “Facility Manager” right now.

We provide you one-on-one support to help you with things like identifying your needs, collecting history of past expenses, budget planning, and addressing frequent maintenance issues.

If you need help or have a few questions about creating your facility management plan, this is the solution for you.

Facility Management Consulting Services
Facility Maintenance Assessments

Onsite Facility Condition Assessments

A Facility Condition Assessment is the first step in creating a facility maintenance plan. During the onsite assessment, we’ll compile a comprehensive inventory of your building assets and assess the current condition of those assets and your building as a whole.

We’ll provide you with the data you need to implement a facility management plan in your organization.

Foundational Facility Management Consulting:
Making Your Life Easier

Dustin Kirby, CFM®, has over 15 years of experience in facility management. He understands that busy leaders often lack the time or resources to properly manage their facilities. That’s why he created Foundational Facility Management Consulting.

We help new facility managers, small businesses, churches, and daycares:

  • Save time and money with our easy-to-use system and templates.
  • Improve efficiency by streamlining your maintenance process.
  • Reduce stress by freeing up your time to focus on what you do best

Get a free consultation today!

Ready to Transform Your Facility Management?

Client Testimonials

“Not only was Dustin qualified to do the job but his knowledge of building maintenance has been an asset to this 100 year old building. His new and fresh ideas has made all the difference in how welcoming and warm our building looks to our members and participants.”
Carolyn Polk
Chestnut Street Family YMCA
“Mr. Kirby approaches projects as both a trusted friend and expert professional. Before starting anything, he takes the time to listen and understand the desired outcome and is able to achieve results in the most efficient and effective manner. He is organized, personable, and gives each project his all. ”
Janet Marnatti
“Mr. Kirby is the ultimate professional. His skills and expertise are superb, and surpassed only by his work ethic and honesty.”
Leah Mullaney
Chestnut Street Family YMCA